Installation, service and repair

Let’s face it, there’s nothing so cosy on a cold winter night than the flickering flames and the crackling fire of a wood burner. More and more of us are turning to stoves to heat our properties and wood burners are now more efficient, safe and economical than ever before.

Here at Carters Heating Solutions we offer a wood burner installation service and we’re fully approved by HETAS Ltd. Installer Number: 34680.

Do I need a chimney liner?

If you have a masonry chimney and never previously had a wood burner installed then we will fit a new liner for you, connecting securely to your chimney pot all the way down to your wood burner via an adaptor and vitreous pipe. This will ensure that no hot flue gases leak through the chimney into other rooms and will keep you safe when you use the stove.

What sort of stove do I need?

There is a huge selection of wood burners available these days and it can be mind boggling trying to choose the right one. We would highly recommend that you talk to us before purchasing a stove as we can advise on the size you’ll need for your room, whether to go for a wood burner or solid fuel burning stove and let you know exactly what will be required for installation.

What is HETAS

HETAS stands for Heating Equipment Testing and Approval Scheme.

HETAS is the certification body and industry expert who work closely with government, appliance and chimney manufacturers, installers, fuel producers, distributors and all manner of associated parties from across the biomass sector.

You should always check that your stove installer is registered with HETAS as this will mean that they have been correctly trained and certified. Always ask for their HETAS ID before booking.

Wood burners Chichester